Thursday, December 12, 2013

Comment on classmate's blog

This is my comment on one of my classmate's blog about Children living in poverty

I read about this article days ago. It does hurt every resident here in TX and maybe the whole U.S when hearing about this fact. Children are the future of the country. Having them lived in the poverty is not what we want. I'm originally a Vietnamese. Thanks to that, I had some chances to visit that country several times with my family. I think there are a lot more children living in the poverty in Vietnam and other developing countries than in the U.S. They do not even get any help from the government. It is still better here where the government has much more responsibility with children than others. If they are not sent to school, it's their parents' problem. They are living in poverty, lacking of daily foods or whatever, it's the whole country's duty. I agree that raising the minimum is not the only way we can do, and also, it's not a main issue of all when the rate of unemployment of Texas is still high. And it is even harder when the employer has been cutting off their employee's hours or having them get laid off. For example that I'm single and having a job paid $9.00 an hr. With that money in a month, I have to pay all my bills and my own living expenses. I cannot imagine that if I have children, and what will happen to them if I get laid off?!? However, taking the government's side. They are a part of taking care of children from education to healthcare. Children can live in poverty but not stick with it. They still can be educated, taken care, and provided what they need when the government has an eye on them.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Gun Ban

As we all know that there have been many shootings during this year, 2013, not only in TX but throughout the whole U.S. Living in the freedom country does not mean that we can use guns to hurt anyone. If we are at least 18, we are able to buy guns. The more people have guns, the more dangerous this life becomes. I totally agree with the "Gun Ban". I think now it is not specifically just gun control, but also is about people control.
In Austin, TX, according to this post, that Democrat does support the gun ban law which may take place in Texas. I think is a must, not just a need. Guns cannot do anything without people's controls. People say that having guns can protect themselves from being harmed. However, it can kill or hurt others. People can lose their mind easily, and it leads to an action: using gun to shoot someone. Nearly, Houston had a shooting at a house party which killed 2 people and hurt 20 others attending. Moreover, there is no limit on buying guns. Just have a look back on last Black Friday, guns were on sale, so we could not know how many people went out and got themselves a gun. Guns are not totally dangerous, but they will be when under people's uses. Sometimes, they do not have any reason to shoot someone. They just want  to use theirs for once in life. It is so unfair to people that have been dead from any shooting, children, elderly, adults, anyone.
If guns are banned, it could be not a hundred percent that we are going to leave in peace in TX or in the U.S, but it can prevent from having people dead from shootings.